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Do you make plans every day ? Nice and easy, drugs will destroy you !

Drug use in Romania affects mainly young people and very young age at first use dropping around 14 years. Acest fapt face ca minorii sa fie considerati un grup vulnerabil care trebuie tratat in mod particular, acordandu-i-se tot suportul informational si sprijinul institutional pentru a nu deveni victime ale consumului de droguri This makes the children to be considered a vulnerable group to be treated privately, giving him the full support information and institutional support to avoid becoming victims of drug .

Today, broad circles of society is under the influence of drugs. Despite well known risks, people continue to use drugs, and they continue to destroy them for life. Like dry rot that eats wood beams of a house, drugs can corrode the entire structure of society. For human society to function properly, it must have stable families, healthy workers, governments trustworthy, honest police and law-abiding citizens. Drugs corrupt each of these basic elements. In addition, they are one of the main causes of crime and violence.

Lack of life experience or sense of adventure i can cause young people to fall into nets drugs. Harm reduction and promotion of drugs for the treatment of drug addiction are the main objectives of the Association AMA drug

Many of those taking drugs greatly regret that this step has made negative in life. Some managed to give up, others have failed. But for all, integration or reintegration into society will be very difficult. A person who is known to take drugs or take drugs is somehow rejected by society. The world will look different, it will elude you. Do not wonder if you will not find a job. After all, who would hire someone to use drugs? NIMENI. None. Suffering and those who used drugs but managed to escape from them.Although should not the world as are otherwise. However, those people were ill but have recovered and deserves a second chance. I want to tell those who are about to take drugs not to do so. Society will reject, friends and family will leave them, the traffickers will follow them and will use for their purposes. Addiction is not a play, a drama is hard to describe in its true intensity. Lack of drug producing states of crisis manifested by excessive anxiety, violence, robbery and crime.Why be suffering from a disease that can avoid? Why be another toy? The drug you out of a sense of normalcy, or disorder, you enter the world of false happiness, then you throw in the terrible torments of hell brutally affecting both soul and body. SAY NO DRUGS, in any situation. Your life will never be the same. Effective prevention programs must take into account, first, the causes of drug use, the factors leading to the crossing route from the "opportunity" to habit, and tolerance, respectively to addiction.

Communication between parents and teens should be maximized. Every thing inteprinde be motivated. Last but not least, the teenager should be encouraged to do things that are savvy to build such confidence.. .

Drug, using the rule of curiosity and famous words: this will be the first and last time ..., I take drugs because I want ... when they realize that does not want to take drugs and still do, find that they are addicted, but already it's too late.

For dependents, life recovery does return back.Recovery means to face himself and accept himself as a worthy human being - without drugs or alcohol. Recovery involves profound changes in terms of how to relate to each other and the world around. Means to take responsibility for your own feelings and their behavior. The process of recovery requires a great courage of the dependent person and a great help from others.

I think we need to pay more attention to needs felt by the family before, during and after the rehabilitation process of the dependent person. This is not clearly defined as a "problem". Long been consumed energy and money were spent for a single family member, while the rest of the family was sentenced to ignore what they endure every day along with a person with an addictive behavior.We believe that each is sentenced to ignore the terrible feeling of insecurity, confusion, adapt to new situations in which dependents dropped the behavior of addiction.

The site offers real help for those placed in deadlock, giving them useful information, methods of rehabilitation, counseling, ways to recognize people under the influence of drugs, and addresses anti-drug center. .


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